Support > Vidensdatabase > Ascend Servers > Game Servers > Specific Game Servers > GTA 5 Five Reborn and FiveM > FiveM License Key Guide

FiveM License Key Guide

This guide will show you have to acquire a license key for your Fivem server and add it to your configuration file.

  1. Go to

  2. Sign in or create a new account first if you don't have one yet.

  3. Click the Register link.

  4. Specify a Label then enter your server's IP Address and make sure to select VPS for Server Type.  Click Generate to submit.

  5. Copy the Key.

  6. On your Game Panel, open Configuration Files.

  7. Locate server.cfg and click Graphical Editor.

  8. Paste the Key on the License Key text input.

  9. Click Save and restart your server.
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