Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Ascend Servers > Game Servers > Specific Game Servers > Reign of Kings > How to add yourself as an admin in ROK

How to add yourself as an admin in ROK

The following basic guide will show you how to add yourself as an admin on your Reign of Kings server

Note: We suggest you stop your server prior to making these changes

Step 1:
Log into your game panel and click 'stop' on your service, we suggest you save your server in game first. (This is very important)

Step 2:
Select the 'Configuration Files' icon from the control panel

Step 3:
Edit the 'Perimissions.cfg' using the text editor

Step 4:
Find the following lines: (they are towards the bottom)

users {

Step 5:

Once you have found this we will need to edit it to add yourself as an admin
To do this simply:

Note: 'NameAdmin' is your users in game name

users {
NameAdmin1 {
groups {
- 'admin'


Step 6:
To add more admins simply use the same system:

users {
AdminsName1 {
groups {
- 'admin'
AdminsName2 {
groups {
- 'admin'
'AdminsName3' {
groups {
- 'admin'
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